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Seasonal Change of Species Diversity Patterns of Non-Volant Small Mammals along Three Subtropical Elevational Gradients 期刊论文
Biotropica, 2014, 卷号: 46, 期号: 4, 页码: 479-488
作者:  Wen ZX(温知新);  Wu YJ(吴永杰);  Du YB(杜元宝);  Xia L(夏霖);  Ge DY(葛德燕);  Yang QS(杨奇森);  Chen LM(谌利明)
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Different Stimuli Reduce Attraction to Pollinators in Male and Female Figs in the Dioecious Fig Ficus hispida 期刊论文
Biotropica, 2009, 卷号: 41, 期号: 6, 页码: 717-720
作者:  Hu H. Y.;  Jiang Z. F.;  Niu L. M.;  Fu Y. G.;  Peng Z. Q.;  Huang D. W.
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