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Globozoospermia and Lack of Acrosome Formation in GM130-Deficient Mice 期刊论文
Cell Death & Disease, 2017, 卷号: 8, 期号: 1, 页码: Article No. e2532
作者:  Han F(韩峰);  Chun-Yi Liu;  Zhang LJ(张连君);  Chen M(陈敏);  Zhou Y(周扬);  Qin Y(秦艳);  Wang YQ(王雅清);  Chen M(陈敏);  Duo SG(多曙光);  Cui XH(崔秀宏);  Bao SL(鲍时来);  Gao F(高飞)
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β-Catenin Directs the Transformation of Testis Sertoli Cells to Ovarian Granulosa-Like Cells by Inducing Foxl2 Expression 期刊论文
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2017, 卷号: 292, 期号: 43, 页码: 17577-17586
作者:  Li YQ(李亚琼);  Zhang LJ(张连君);  Yu-Qiong Hu;  Chen M(陈敏);  Han F(韩峰);  Qin Y(秦艳);  Chen M(陈敏);  Cui XH(崔秀宏);  Duo SG(多曙光);  Tang FC(汤富酬);  Gao F(高飞)
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Establishment of Bovine Trophoblast Stem-Like Cells from In Vitro-Produced Blastocyst-Stage Embryos Using Two Inhibitors 期刊论文
Stem Cells and Development, 2014, 卷号: 23, 期号: 13, 页码: 1501-1514
作者:  Huang XH;  Han XJ;  Uyunbilig B;  Zhang ML;  Duo SG;  Zuo YC;  Zhao YH;  Yun T;  Tai DP;  Wang C;  Li JH;  Li XL;  Li RF
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