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Female lizards choose warm,moist nests that improve embryonic survivorship and offspring fitness 期刊论文
Functional Ecology, 2017, 卷号: 32, 页码: 416-423
作者:  Shu-Ran Li;  Xin Hao;  Yang Wang;  Sun BJ(孙宝珺);  Jun-Huai Bi;  Yong-Pu Zhang;  Fredric J.Janzen;  Du WG(杜卫国)
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Exogenous Application of Estradiol to Eggs Unexpectedly Induces Male Development in Two Turtle Species with Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination 期刊论文
General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2014, 卷号: 206, 页码: 16-23
作者:  Daniel A.Warner;  Elizabeth Addis;  Du WG(杜卫国);  Thane Wibbels;  Fredric J.Janzen
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